
Votes Platform (VOTES) is SurveyMonkey powered by blockchain. We use blockchain and smart contracts for transparency and foolproof-ness of surveys hosted on our platform. As survey market leader, SurveyMonkey, VOTES provides companies with advanced tools. Our clients can collect and analyze data, as well as work with customers directly.

What is the benefit for use of blockchain and smart contracts in surveys? Well, one of the most often complaints in any marketing campaign is vote manipulation. VOTES solution allows companies to avoid such claims. Customers can also conduct exams at universities. Public companies can manage their shareholders voting. It is also possible to host questionnaires for employees. Researchers might use it for sociological surveys as well.

What is more important, VOTES has a solid product already. The team uses code base and business relationships of solution. It is a web-based voting platform with an active user base of thousands of clients. Client portfolio includes such big fish as Samsung, Adidas, and Bosch. Analysts consider Simpoll to be one of the top online survey platforms in Russia. Simpoll numbers come to 5 million survey respondents and 40 thousand local businesses.

VOTES Pre-ICO is offering 10 million tokens, which will end on August, 31st 2017. This makes 12.5% of total token offering according to project roadmap. We plan to spend gathered funds for marketing and ICO launch. The price is only $0.05, with ICO stage 1 price set at $0.10 and minimal price for ICO stage 2 of $0.15. VOTES plans to gather $100 000 at the pre-ICO stage.

To find more about VOTES, visit

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