Aeternity Token (AE) Second Round ICO and Review

Aternity is developing its own Blockchain and Aeternity Token, (AE), which they say will differ from existing blockchains in that the Aeternity Blockchain will allow for a more scalable platform that allows for high bandwidth transactions, purely functioning smart contracts and decentralized oracles.

Aeternity had a first round ICO that started on April 3rd, 2017 and ran until April 6, 2017. The Tokens meta-tokens were released immediately. The price of the Aeternity was 1 ETH for 1,000 AE.

The results of the 1st ICO Aeternity were:

  • Total amount of ETH: 120,827.41
  • Total amount of BTC: 328.63
  • 82% of all AE alloted to the ICO were sold: 139,089,935.08 AE to 2,498 contributors
  • 7% was reserved for the founding team, the founding company and the foundation (under development).
  • 1% was allocated to people who have BTC and/or ETH addresses.

Aeternity’s Plan For Period Between Phase I and Phase II

Aeternity quoted on their blog the following regarding the period between Phase I and Phase II:

“We are starting the process of extending the team by attracting talent from the blockchain space and beyond. We are also organizing meetups and events to grow the community. A few very interesting bounties will be announced soon, so stay tuned.”

Aeternity Token Phase II Crowdfunding ICO

Aeternity’s second round ICO is scheduled as follows:

  • Start time: Monday, 13:05 GMT, May 29th, 2017.
  • Duration: 3 weeks.
  • Ratio: 1 ETH contribution yields 800 (eight hundred) AE contribution receipts (maximum at the start). It goes down to 650 at the end of phase 2.
  • Additional perks for the first contributors: will be announced.
  • All will be recorded on the ETH blockchain by a multisig-escrow-contract (like in phase 1).
  • BTC donations will be possible (like in phase 1).



Aeternity Token Phase II ICO Starts in:








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